22 Люты 2025
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Moldovagaz paid in full the advance for Gazprom in January. Andrei Spinu: "Spring is near"
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Парламент Малдовы абвясціў надзвычайнае становішча на нацыянальным узроўні з-за газавага крызісу
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Moldova government approved the initiative to establish a 60-day state of emergency in the energy sector
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Заўтра пайду ў парламент. Прэм'ер-міністр Малдовы Наталля Гаўрыліца будзе прасіць аб увядзенні надзвычайнага становішча ў энергетычнай сферы
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Прэм'ер-міністр Малдовы Наталля Гаўрыліца: Газпром накіраваў нам ліст аб прыпыненні паставак прыроднага газу з 20 студзеня, калі не будзе праведзеная поўная аплата
Прэм&39;ер-міністр Малдовы Наталля Гаўрыліца: Газпром накіраваў нам ліст аб прыпыненні паставак прыроднага газу з 20 студзеня, калі не будзе праведзеная поўная аплата
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Moldovagaz ацэньвае дэфіцыт у 30 мільёнаў даляраў. Прэм'ер-міністр Малдовы Наталля Гаўрыліца не выключае ўвядзення надзвычайнага становішча
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Украінская ваенная выведка: расейскія спэцслужбы рыхтуюць правакацыю супраць расейскіх вайскоўцаў, каб абвінаваціць украінскіх вайскоўцаў
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The Deputy Prime Minister of Moldova said that he asked Gazprom for a new grace period to pay off obligations for gas supplies
European Commission has adopted today a proposal for a new Macro-Financial Assistance operation of up to €150 million, both in grants and medium-term loans at a favourable rate, to help support Moldova economy in the coming two years3 рок таму
European Commission has adopted today a proposal for a new Macro-Financial Assistance operation of up to €150 million, both in grants and medium-term loans at a favourable rate, to help support Moldova economy in the coming two years
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Former President of Moldova Igor Dodon said he became a suspect in a criminal case and could be accused of embezzling $12 million
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Foreign Ministry: Russia will react to the deportation of Russians from Moldova
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EC Pres. Von Der Leyen: Russia's effort to intimidate Moldova's reforming government by limiting gas supply is seen as an obvious attempt by the EU
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As Russia-Ukraine tensions continue amid talk of a possible spring invasion of Ukraine, Moldovan ex-defence minister Viorel Cibotaru has proposed an extended military agreement between Romania and Moldova
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Moldovan president @maiasandu to Russia: joining the EU is our choice
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Russian political scientist Narochnitskaya was not allowed into Moldova without explanation, Zakharova said.
Illegal armed groups of the so-called "Transnistrian Moldavian Republic" hold military gathering
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.@EUCouncil adopts assistance measures in favour of Georgia (€12.750.000), Moldova (€7 million), Ukraine (€31 million), & Mali (€24 million) in conjunction with @EUTMMali
President of European Parliament David Sassoli:Excellent meeting today with the Prime Ministers of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Your countries are an essential part of Europe, of our shared history and shared future.  The @Europarl_EN fully supports the AssociatedTrio initiative and your closer partnership with the EU3 рок таму
President of European Parliament David Sassoli:Excellent meeting today with the Prime Ministers of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Your countries are an essential part of Europe, of our shared history and shared future. The @Europarl_EN fully supports the AssociatedTrio initiative and your closer partnership with the EU
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Moldova reports that it paid off a debt of $ 74 million to Gazprom
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Gazprom agreed not to stop gas supplies to Moldova and gave Chisinau a grace period to pay debt
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Расейскі Газпром заяўляе, што аплата за газ з Малдовы дагэтуль не праведзена, а 48-гадзінны ультыматум завяршаецца сёння.
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Газпром паведаміў у Малдову аб магчымым прыпыненні паставак газу праз 48 гадзін з-за адсутнасці аплаты
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Малдова разлічвае на падтрымку Расійскай Федэрацыі ў вырашэнні прыднястроўскага пытання, - міністр замежных спраў Малдовы Папеску
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Малдова просіць Расейскую Федэрацыю вярнуцца да пытання вывазу боепрыпасаў са складоў у Прыднястроўі, - заявіў Папеску на сустрэчы з Лаўровым у Маскве
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Міністр замежных спраў Малдовы @nicupopescu сустрэўся ў Маскве з міністрам замежных спраў Расіі Лаўровым
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EU_EaP: The EU recognized the Covid-19 digital certificate of Georgia and Moldova. Before that, the EU approved the digital certificates issued by Armenia and Ukraine. Citizens of 4 of the 6 Eastern Partnership countries can travel to the EU using the EU Covid-19 Digital Certificate System
Romania: USAF KC135R 63-8887, USAF KC135R 59-1470, USAF E-3 Sentry NATO073 рок таму
Romania: USAF KC135R 63-8887, USAF KC135R 59-1470, USAF E-3 Sentry NATO07
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Moldova Parliament establishes commission to evaluate and monitor the reintegration policies. The commission promises to involve the international community and the civil society in its work
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Moldovan officials said the new five-year contract with Russian company Gazprom has resolved the country's gas crisis, although experts in Chisinau expressed concerns about the way the deal was done
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In November, the gas price for Moldova under the new contract will be about $ 450, Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Spinu said on Telegram.