Transnistria té la calefacció tallada des de l'1 de gener a causa del cessament del subministrament de gas. Tirasteploenergo va informar que ja no es subministra calor i aigua calenta a la població, les institucions pressupostàries i les organitzacions
Moldova: Gazprom has officially announced that it will leave Transnistria without gas from January 1
Rússia va acusar l'OTAN d'intentar convertir Moldàvia en un "centre logístic" per subministrar l'exèrcit ucraïnès i d'intentar acostar la seva infraestructura militar a Rússia.
Rússia acusa el govern de Moldàvia de preparar-se per apoderar-se de la central elèctrica a Transnistria. "La presa forçosa de la central elèctrica a Transnistria (Moldova GRES) per part de Chisinau comportarà greus conseqüències i inestabilitat a Europa", va dir el Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors rus
Maia Sandu: Mentre els nostres països celebren el Nadal, el Kremlin opta per la destrucció, apuntant a la infraestructura energètica d'Ucraïna i violant l'espai aeri de Moldàvia amb un míssil, accions que violen clarament el dret internacional. Moldàvia condemna aquests actes i es mostra en plena solidaritat amb Ucraïna
La cap de Gagauzia, Eugenia Gutsul, va dir que les autoritats de la regió no reconeixen Maia Sandu com a presidenta de Moldàvia.
2 month agoKaja Kallas: Moldova has made it clear: its future belongs in the EU.It was a pleasure to meet you, President @sandumaiamd and discuss how you are bravely fighting against hostile interference from Russia in your democracy. We are by your side
Dos míssils russos han travessat l'espai aeri moldau aquest matí. Les autoritats van confirmar i condemnar la violació, així com l'horrible atac a Ucraïna
3 month agoMaia Sandu has requested changes in the Anticorruption Prosecution, where “we have seen a total failure” in the fight against political corruption, the Moldovan president announced in a press conference following the Supreme Security Council
El Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors de Moldova va confirmar que els dos drons trobats avui pertanyen a la Federació Russa. El Ministeri va assenyalar que la violació de l'espai aeri de la República de Moldàvia és una violació greu i un gest hostil per part de Rússia.
3 month agoUn altre dron es va trobar a prop del poble de Boroseni a Moldàvia
3 month agoLa matinada del 10 de novembre es va trobar un dron prop del poble de Firladany, al terme de Causeni
Russian foreign ministry says it summons Moldova's ambassador to protest over what it says is hostile and discriminatory treatment of Russian election observers by authorities in Moldova
3 month agoEleccions a Moldàvia: es van comptar el 100% dels informes de vots: Maia Sandu – 55,35%, Alexandr Stoianoglo – 44,67%
Amb el 99,28% dels informes de vot dels col·legis electorals comptats, Maia Sandu es mostra com la guanyadora de les eleccions presidencials
Moldova elections: Turnout by 20:00 was 53.44%; More than 1,650,000 citizens have voted so far, the CEC said. Chisinau remained the most active region. More than 300,000 voters cast their ballots at polling stations abroad
3 month agoIn the first two hours of voting, nearly 147,000 voters in Moldova have cast their ballots, with a turnout rate of 5.37%. Voter participation is higher in this second round compared to October 20, when over 97,000 voted by 9:00 a.m
Moldova referendum is validated. On October 31, the Constitutional Court confirmed Moldova's referendum on joining the European Union. The Constitution will now be automatically amended to reflect the choices made by Moldovans in the October 20 vote
Moldova’n police have uncovered a $39M vote-buying scheme from Sept-Oct 2024, confirmed by 1.4M SMS alerts from Russian Promsvyazbank to 138,000 numbers. The funds were likely distributed in cash
EU foreign policy chief: We welcome the results of the constitutional referendum in Moldova
4 month agoResultats finals del referèndum de Moldàvia per canviar la Constitució per entrar a la UE: 50,46% a favor vs 49,54% en contra
Moldova has voted yes to joining the EU by a tiny margin
4 month agoMoldova backs EU membership despite the attempts to interfere in the referendum and destabilize the country. Official data put Yes on 50.16% and No on 49.84%, with over 98% of votes counted
4 month agoYES campaign takes now marginal lead over NO in EU referendum as Moldova’s electoral commission presents results. Diaspora votes, and much are projected to be pro still outstanding
4 month ago@sandumaimd is leading the race for the presidency after about 17% counted, according to preliminary results from the Central Election Commission after polling stations closed in the country. Alexander Stoianoglo is currently in second place
Moldova Central Electoral Commission has declared the constitutional referendum on Moldova's accession to the European Union valid
Moldova: Polling stations across the country have closed. According to the Central Election Commission, 1,456,457 voters cast their ballots. Some polling stations abroad are still operating — they are following local time. In Russia, polling stations’ operating hours have been extended by 2 hours. There are also reports that polling stations in Romania will remain open until 23:00
4 month agoEleccions presidencials i referèndum constitucional a Moldàvia: a les 10:30 participació 9,9%
4 month agoEl primer ministre Dorin Recean, en el seu discurs al poble de Moldàvia, va advertir sobre els esforços creixents dels grups criminals per subornar els votants. Segons Recean, les forces de l'ordre han detectat "15 milions d'euros" destinats a la compra de vots durant l'últim mes
La UE imposa sancions a la líder de Gagauzia, Eugenia Gutsul