Transnistria welcomes the EU's intention to provide an emergency financial grant for short-term support amid the humanitarian and energy crisis
1 月 前Moldovagaz signed the agreement to lend 3 million cubic meters of natural gas with Tiraspoltransgaz, said the acting CEO of Moldovagaz Vadim Ceban, quoted by IPN. According to Ceban, the supplies will be ensured depending on the requests received from Tiraspoltransgaz
特拉涅斯特河沿岸当局称,家用天然气库存将在 11 天内耗尽
2 月 前乌克兰总统泽连斯基:与玛雅·桑杜通了电话,我们有重要任务帮助摩尔多瓦应对能源危机
Power outages in Transnistria to last up to 8 hours a day. Coal supplies are running critically low
Moldova PM warns of security crisis, denounces Russian gas cut-off
Moldova: Tiraspol refused to accept Chișinău's assistance in supplying gas through an alternative corridor. They stated that they would wait for Gazprom to resume deliveries
由于天然气供应中断,德涅斯特河沿岸地区从 1 月 1 日起停止供暖。Tirasteploenergo 报告称,不再向居民、预算机构和组织提供供暖和热水
Moldova: Gazprom has officially announced that it will leave Transnistria without gas from January 1
俄罗斯指责摩尔多瓦政府准备夺取德涅斯特河沿岸的发电厂。"基希讷乌强行夺取德涅斯特河沿岸的发电厂(摩尔多瓦 GRES)将导致严重后果和欧洲不稳定", - 俄罗斯外交部
Maia Sandu:当我们的国家庆祝圣诞节时,克里姆林宫却选择破坏——以乌克兰的能源基础设施为目标,用导弹侵犯摩尔多瓦的领空,这些行为明显违反了国际法。摩尔多瓦谴责这些行为,并与乌克兰站在一起
2 月 前Kaja Kallas: Moldova has made it clear: its future belongs in the EU.It was a pleasure to meet you, President @sandumaiamd and discuss how you are bravely fighting against hostile interference from Russia in your democracy. We are by your side
3 月 前Maia Sandu has requested changes in the Anticorruption Prosecution, where “we have seen a total failure” in the fight against political corruption, the Moldovan president announced in a press conference following the Supreme Security Council
4 月 前摩尔多瓦博罗塞尼村附近发现另一架无人机
4 月 前11月10日上午,在卡塞尼区Firladany村附近发现一架无人机
Russian foreign ministry says it summons Moldova's ambassador to protest over what it says is hostile and discriminatory treatment of Russian election observers by authorities in Moldova
4 月 前摩尔多瓦选举:100% 计票报告已清点:Maia Sandu – 55.35%,Alexandr Stoianoglo – 44.67%
99.28% 的投票结果已统计完毕,玛雅·桑杜成为总统选举的获胜者
Moldova elections: Turnout by 20:00 was 53.44%; More than 1,650,000 citizens have voted so far, the CEC said. Chisinau remained the most active region. More than 300,000 voters cast their ballots at polling stations abroad
4 月 前In the first two hours of voting, nearly 147,000 voters in Moldova have cast their ballots, with a turnout rate of 5.37%. Voter participation is higher in this second round compared to October 20, when over 97,000 voted by 9:00 a.m
Moldova referendum is validated. On October 31, the Constitutional Court confirmed Moldova's referendum on joining the European Union. The Constitution will now be automatically amended to reflect the choices made by Moldovans in the October 20 vote