3 mjesec preIzbori u Moldaviji: 100% izvještaja o glasovima prebrojano: Maia Sandu – 55,35%, Alexandr Stoianoglo – 44,67%
S 99,28% prebrojanih glasova s biračkih mjesta, Maia Sandu prikazana je kao pobjednica predsjedničkih izbora
Moldova elections: Turnout by 20:00 was 53.44%; More than 1,650,000 citizens have voted so far, the CEC said. Chisinau remained the most active region. More than 300,000 voters cast their ballots at polling stations abroad
3 mjesec preIn the first two hours of voting, nearly 147,000 voters in Moldova have cast their ballots, with a turnout rate of 5.37%. Voter participation is higher in this second round compared to October 20, when over 97,000 voted by 9:00 a.m
Moldova referendum is validated. On October 31, the Constitutional Court confirmed Moldova's referendum on joining the European Union. The Constitution will now be automatically amended to reflect the choices made by Moldovans in the October 20 vote
Moldova’n police have uncovered a $39M vote-buying scheme from Sept-Oct 2024, confirmed by 1.4M SMS alerts from Russian Promsvyazbank to 138,000 numbers. The funds were likely distributed in cash
EU foreign policy chief: We welcome the results of the constitutional referendum in Moldova
4 mjesec preKonačni rezultati referenduma u Moldaviji za promjenu Ustava radi pridruživanja EU: 50,46% za naspram 49,54% protiv
Moldova has voted yes to joining the EU by a tiny margin
4 mjesec preMoldova backs EU membership despite the attempts to interfere in the referendum and destabilize the country. Official data put Yes on 50.16% and No on 49.84%, with over 98% of votes counted
4 mjesec preYES campaign takes now marginal lead over NO in EU referendum as Moldova’s electoral commission presents results. Diaspora votes, and much are projected to be pro still outstanding
4 mjesec pre@sandumaimd is leading the race for the presidency after about 17% counted, according to preliminary results from the Central Election Commission after polling stations closed in the country. Alexander Stoianoglo is currently in second place
Moldova Central Electoral Commission has declared the constitutional referendum on Moldova's accession to the European Union valid
Moldova: Polling stations across the country have closed. According to the Central Election Commission, 1,456,457 voters cast their ballots. Some polling stations abroad are still operating — they are following local time. In Russia, polling stations’ operating hours have been extended by 2 hours. There are also reports that polling stations in Romania will remain open until 23:00
4 mjesec prePredsjednički izbori i ustavni referendum u Moldaviji: izlaznost u 10:30 9,9%
4 mjesec prePremijer Dorin Recean, u svom obraćanju građanima Moldavije, upozorio je na sve veće napore kriminalnih skupina da podmite birače. Prema Receanu, agencije za provođenje zakona otkrile su "15 milijuna eura" namijenjenih kupnji glasova tijekom proteklog mjeseca
EU je uvela sankcije protiv čelnice Gagauzije Eugenije Gutsul
Lokalne vlasti u Transnistriji žele održati referendum o ulasku u EU na područjima pod svojom kontrolom
U Moldaviji su Yandex, Zen i Rutube blokirani na zahtjev sigurnosne službe, izvijestio je najveći ISP u zemlji
Američki State Department: RT je koordinirao s tradicionalnom ruskom obavještajnom službom kako bi pokušao manipulirati predsjedničkim izborima u Moldaviji
Ministarstvo obrane Moldavije: Ugovorni vojnik Nacionalne armije, koji je služio u okviru Združenih mirovnih snaga, smrtno je ozlijeđen danas, 12. rujna, od posljedica hica iz dostavljenog oružja, dok je obavljao svoju dužnost u objaviti. Tim policijskih forenzičara istražuje slučaj
5 mjesec prePro-Russian “Renaissance” Party, affiliated to fugitive oligarch Ilan Shor, registered as a participant in referendum. The party will promote the “NO” voting option in the referendum for european integration of Moldova
Chisinau Court of Appeal upholds ban on Moldovan opposition bloc "Pobeda" from participating in elections
FSB je izvijestio o pritvaranju tri agenta ukrajinske vojne obavještajne službe na Krimu, uključujući dva ruska državljanina i jednog moldavskog državljanina
Biden admin's top cyber diplomat Nathaniel Fick just wrapped up his trip to Chisinau after meeting with senior Moldovan officials, as well as private sector and civil society representatives, - Department of the State readout of the trip
Moldova seeks investment for wind, solar plants with first tender, pushing to reduce its reliance on Russian energy
6 mjesec preVeliki šumski požar u graničnoj zoni između Ukrajine i Moldavije u Palanci
6 mjesec preMoldova: Central Electoral Commission (CEC) refused to register the electoral bloc "Victorie-Pobeda", affiliated to fugitive pro-Russian oligarch Ilan Shor, to participate in the referendum and presidential elections on October 20
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Moldavije objavilo je protjerivanje ruskog diplomata sa svog teritorija
Sigurnosna i obavještajna služba Moldavije provodi pretrese u parlamentu Moldavije