10 Adar 2025
DYE dibêje ku ew "ji nêz ve" rewşa Transnistria dişopîne û li dijî hewildanên "bilindkirina rageşiyê" hişyarî dide.
Roja Sêşemê piştî nîvro, Seroka Moldovayê Maia Sandu Sandu brîfîngek li dar xist û teqînên li Transnistria "hêzên dijber" ên li herêmê sûcdar kir.
Moldova: Lijneya Ewlekariya Neteweyî ya ku ji aliyê Ofîsa Serokomariyê ve hat gazîkirin, hin tedbîr eşkere kirin: 1) Polîs dê dest bi kontrolkirina trafîkê li beşên li kêleka herêma ewlehiyê bike; 2) sepandina qanûnê dê dewriyeya di nav welat û sînoran de zêde bike (ji bilî yên li ser beşa Transnistria ya sînorê Ukraynayê); 3) hişyariya parastina binesaziya krîtîk zêde bikin
2 year ago
Nûnertiya OSCE hemû hewlên bêîstiqrarkirina rewşa li Herêmên Ewlekarî û Transnistria şermezar dike û bang li hemû aliyan dike ku aramiyê biparêzin û xwe ji her kiryarekê dûr bixin, ku dikare bawerî û aramiyê li her du aliyên çemê Dniester/Nistru têk bibe.
Serokê Moldovayê: Em ê tedbîran bigrin da ku li Transnestriya alozî çênebe
Seroka Moldovayê Maia Sandu civîna Konseya Ewlekariya Netewî li dar xist da ku bûyerên Transnistrya gotûbêj bikin
Di encama teqînan de li nêzî gundê Mayak ê Transnestriya 2 radyoyên radyoyê hatin rûxandin2 year ago
Di encama teqînan de li nêzî gundê Mayak ê Transnestriya 2 radyoyên radyoyê hatin rûxandin
Li herêma Veqetandî ya Moldovayê teqînek pêk hat. Hat ragihandin ku qereqola Grigoriopol bûne hedef2 year ago
Li herêma Veqetandî ya Moldovayê teqînek pêk hat. Hat ragihandin ku qereqola Grigoriopol bûne hedef
Li nêzî gundê Mayak ê Transnestriya 2 bircên radyoyê teqiyan2 year ago
Li nêzî gundê Mayak ê Transnestriya 2 bircên radyoyê teqiyan
2 year ago
Li Parkany ya Transnistria 2 teqîn pêk hatin
2 year ago
Ewlekariya li Bender, Transnistria zêde bû. Civîna hêzên ewlehiyê li Tiraspolê berdewam e
Li Tiraspola Transnistria li nêzî avahiya Komîteya Ewlekariya Dewletê "MGB" teqîn çêbûn.
2 year ago
Wezareta Derve ya Rûsyayê got, divê çareseriya aloziya Transnistria bi rêzgirtina ji yekparçeyiya axa Moldova û statuya herêmê pêk were.
2 year ago
Kontrola tam a li ser Donbas, korîdora bejayî ya Kirimê û kontrolkirina başûrê Ukraynayê ji bo girêdana bi RU Transnistria re ku berê ji hêla RU ve hatî dagirkirin - planên çalakiyên leşkerî yên heyî yên Rûsyayê ragihand.
Maia Sandu: Welcomed Belgian PM @alexanderdecroo to Chisinau today. Had a good exchange on Moldova's humanitarian response to the war in Ukraine & its effects on our country. I look forward to expanding Moldova relations & count on Belgian support as we move on with our accession bid to the EU
Nobedarên sînor ên Ukraynayê ewlekariya li ser sînorên bi navê Transnestriya û Belarusê zêde kirin
Questionnaire handover by European Commissioner @OliverVarhelyi @EU_Commission, to @nicupopescu, Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova, on the sidelines of today's ForeignAffairs Council, in Luxembourg
Serokê Rêveberiya Herêmî ya Odesayê, artêşa Ukraynayê ji bo provokasyonên muhtemel ên Transnistria amade ye
EU and Moldova sign an agreement on Frontex, who are to be deployed there to held border management
2 year ago
Russian Foreign Ministry: PACE statement regarding Transnistria as area of Russian occupation is unacceptable
Moldova calls on Russia to withdraw from Transnistria. Moldovan President Maia Sandu called for the removal of munitions and "complete and unconditional withdrawal of Russian forces" from the unrecognized breakaway region during a UN General Assembly meeting on March 16
EU Commissioner for Energy: The electricity grids of Ukraine and Moldova have been successfully synchronised with the Continental European Grid. This will help Ukraine to keep their electricity system stable & lights on. It is a historic milestone for our relationship – in this area, Ukraine is now part of Europe
The effects of the war are coming to us now, millions of women and children are seeking refuge. For them we must be strong now. Everyone needs to step up - both within the EU and internationally - @ABaerbock in press conference with @nicupopescu2 year ago
The effects of the war are coming to us now, millions of women and children are seeking refuge. For them we must be strong now. Everyone needs to step up - both within the EU and internationally - @ABaerbock in press conference with @nicupopescu
EU ambassadors are now discussing the EU accession application by Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova. it will likely end with the ams asking the European Commission on an assessment of the trio
Moldova: Moldovan President Maia Sandu announced after the meeting of the Supreme Security Council that the government would ask the Parliament to declare a state of emergency in the country in the context of the war in Ukraine
3 year ago
Ministry of Defense: Cruise missile that targeted Vinnytsia were launched from the vessel in Black Sea, their trajectory was through Transdnistria
Blinken during press conference this morning with Moldovan President Maia Sandu confirmed that the US is "looking actively" at the question of Poland providing fighter jets to Ukraine, and how the US "should be able to backfill should Poland provide those planes"
Both Georgia and Moldova apply to join the European Union
Moldova will receive only €5million from the EU for hosting more than 100,000 refugees from Ukraine. A small country carrying a disproportionate burden - as the number of refugees already welcomed by Moldova has already exceeded 2% of the country's population
The Moldovan Foreign Ministry summoned the Belarusian ambassador after a map shown by Lukashenka