Вице-премьер-министр Молдовы заявил, что попросил у "Газпрома" новый льготный период для погашения обязательств по поставкам газа
3 год назадEuropean Commission has adopted today a proposal for a new Macro-Financial Assistance operation of up to €150 million, both in grants and medium-term loans at a favourable rate, to help support Moldova economy in the coming two years
Экс-президент Молдовы Игорь Додон заявил, что стал подозреваемым по уголовному делу.Его могут обвинить в хищении $12 млн
МИД: Россия отреагирует на депортацию россиян из Молдовы
EC Pres. Von Der Leyen: Russia's effort to intimidate Moldova's reforming government by limiting gas supply is seen as an obvious attempt by the EU
As Russia-Ukraine tensions continue amid talk of a possible spring invasion of Ukraine, Moldovan ex-defence minister Viorel Cibotaru has proposed an extended military agreement between Romania and Moldova
Moldovan president @maiasandu to Russia: joining the EU is our choice
Российского политолога Нарочницкую не пустили в Молдавию без объяснения причин, заявила Захарова.
Illegal armed groups of the so-called "Transnistrian Moldavian Republic" hold military gathering
.@EUCouncil adopts assistance measures in favour of Georgia (€12.750.000), Moldova (€7 million), Ukraine (€31 million), & Mali (€24 million) in conjunction with @EUTMMali
3 год назадPresident of European Parliament David Sassoli:Excellent meeting today with the Prime Ministers of Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Your countries are an essential part of Europe, of our shared history and shared future. The @Europarl_EN fully supports the AssociatedTrio initiative and your closer partnership with the EU
Молдова сообщила, что выплатила "Газпрому" долг в 74 млн долларов США
Газпром согласился не прекращать поставки газа в Молдову и дал Кишиневу отсрочку для оплаты долга
Российский Газпром говорит, что оплата за газ из Молдовы до этого момента не была произведена, а сегодня истекает 48-часовой ультиматум
Газпром сообщает Молдову о возможном прекращении поставок газа через 48 часов из-за отсутствия оплаты
Молдова рассчитывает на поддержку Российской Федерации в решении приднестровского вопроса, - Министр иностранных дел Молдовы Попеску
Молдова просит Российскую Федерацию вернуться к вопросу вывоза боеприпасов со складов в Приднестровье, – заявил Попеску на встрече с Лавровым в Москве
Министр иностранных дел Молдовы @nicupopescu встретился с министром иностранных дел России Лавровым в Москве
EU_EaP: The EU recognized the Covid-19 digital certificate of Georgia and Moldova. Before that, the EU approved the digital certificates issued by Armenia and Ukraine. Citizens of 4 of the 6 Eastern Partnership countries can travel to the EU using the EU Covid-19 Digital Certificate System
3 год назадRomania: USAF KC135R 63-8887, USAF KC135R 59-1470, USAF E-3 Sentry NATO07
Moldova Parliament establishes commission to evaluate and monitor the reintegration policies. The commission promises to involve the international community and the civil society in its work
Moldovan officials said the new five-year contract with Russian company Gazprom has resolved the country's gas crisis, although experts in Chisinau expressed concerns about the way the deal was done
В ноябре цена газа для Молдовы по новому контракту составит около $450, сообщил в Telegram вице-премьер Андрей Спыну
Moldova and Gazprom break the deadlock with a 5-year gas deal for Russian supplies
Молдова и "Газпром" договорились о продлении контракта на пять лет, заявили в Мининфраструктуры республики. Холдинг начнет поставки газа по новому контракту с 1 ноября.
The European Commission has today given Moldova 60 million euro to help it cope with the current energy crisis
Gazprom told Moldovan officials it would reduce the price if the country was prepared to amend its tariff-free trade deal with the EU
Ursula von der Leyen: Good phone call with @sandumaiamd. We are in regular contact to help Moldova face its gas supply issue. The EU stands with Moldova. Our experts are on the ground to help with the situation. We are currently looking into additional support measures
The Prime Minister of Moldova Natalia Gavrilitsa denied the information about the signing of a framework agreement between the Moldovan state enterprise Energocom and Naftogaz of Ukraine on possible supplies of 700 million cubic meters of gas. "It's false news. It's not true”
Today the gov of Moldova bought natural gas from a non-Russian source for the 1st time in the country's history.its state company Energocom signed a contract with the Polish company PGNiGr for 1 million cubic meters of natural gas that will be delivered tomorrow